Police Rescue 6 Newborn Puppies As Man Tries To Dump Them

Just in time for National Puppy Day (March 23rd), there’s good news out of the UK that police officers were able to rescue six puppies from a horrible fate. This past weekend, in Durham, England, Police Constables Liam Vernon and Luke Howie noticed a suspicious man pulled over on the side of the highway about to throw a sealed bag over the embankment. They flashed their lights at the man and he quickly tossed the bag onto the front seat and pretended to be checking the car’s tire. When they approached him, they could hear squealing coming from the bag the man had been swinging.

When the officers opened the bag, they found a half-dozen five-day-old Cocker Spaniel puppies, so young their eyes hadn’t even opened yet. The man was questioned on the side of the road and arrested on multiple charges including suspicion of animal cruelty. A search warrant was executed on the man’s home and there they found the puppies’ parents, too. All six of the puppies and the mom and dad are now being cared for by a local veterinarian.

The Durham Constabulary posted about the lucky puppy rescue on social media and commenters heaped praise on cops for the save. “Both myself and Luke are huge dog lovers, so it has been one of those jobs which have really stuck with us,” PC Vernon said. “We’ve hardly stopped thinking about it but are just glad to have saved them – it really was right place, right time.” Lots of commenters offered to foster the pups, but the Durham Constabulary updated the post to inform everyone that the whole dog family was headed to a loving home.

Source: People

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