School Superintendent Gets Bus License To Help During Driver Shortage

When the Solon Community School District in Iowa was facing a bus driver shortage, Superintendent Davis Eidahl took decisive action. The superintendent of the district for the last eight years secured a grant to train new bus drivers and then decided to go the extra mile and participate in the training himself.

The district often has to send out several buses and multiple vans for various school activities, which sometimes leads to a shortage of drivers. So, after obtaining his bus license, Eidahl began driving students to and from school, helping to personally address the shortage. District employees were surprised but appreciative of Eidahl's efforts. “I think it’s a great way for him to lead by example,” says the district’s director of transportation Dave Johnson. “Obviously, we’re short on drivers, so every driver is crucial at this point.”

Eidahl admits that he was initially nervous about the new role but has come to enjoy the challenge. He also appreciates getting the chance to interact with students in a different setting. His efforts have not only filled a need but have also fostered a stronger connection with the district he serves.

Source: WVLT

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