Good Samaritan Jumps In To Stop Elderly Couple From Being Robbed

Last Thursday, Tony Truong was watching an elderly couple driving their mobility scooters down a busy road in his hometown of San Gabriel, California. He was thinking about how the woman reminded him of his mother, who had recently passed away when he saw someone approach the man and attempt to take a gold chain from his neck.

When Truong realized what was happening, he didn’t hesitate to intervene. “He pulled over and got out of the car and then ran up to the old man and tried to snatch his gold chain,” he recalls. Truong then got out of his car and yelled for the thief to get away from the elderly man. The would-be robber ran and got back in his vehicle and drove away, but not before Truong got a clear picture of him with the dashcam in his car.

He hopes the police can use his video to help apprehend the suspect and he’s calling on his community to step up to help prevent crimes like this on their most vulnerable neighbors. "San Gabriel Valley will not tolerate this, ever," Truong says, "If this were to ever happen, I suggest everyone be alert and do something about it ... support the community. Help each other out."

Source: ABC 7

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