Amazon Driver Goes Into Burning Home To Save Elderly Man From Fire

While making deliveries in Portage, Michigan, on August 18th, Amazon driver Cedric Figures became an unexpected hero. He was dropping off a package at home when he heard an elderly man desperately calling for help from a nearby house. Cedric then saw flames coming from the man’s kitchen window and ran to see if he could help.

Grabbing a fire extinguisher from outside the home, the delivery man rushed into the burning home, put out the flames, and then helped the elderly resident get out of the house. The fire had activated the home’s fire alarm, alerting the Portage Fire Department, who arrived moments after the daring rescue.

In a post to social media, the city of Portage praised Figures for his “heroic and selfless” act. But the Amazon driver insists he didn’t do it for the recognition. "Put good energy out and you'll receive the same - but don't do it for something in return,” Figures says, “Just do it because you know it's right and good will come back to you.”

Source: PEOPLE

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