Pay It Forward For Pet - Grayson

Meet Grayson. Look at that face! Where are our German Shepard lovers??? And at 66 pounds, and 2 years of age, Grayson is full-grown and continued small. Additionally, he’s a young boy and has a lot of living to do. Can he do it with you?

German Shepherds live, on average, for 11 to 13 years. They bond with great loyalty to their families. They can be protective, so IF their personality shows this tendency, a family would need to know how to manage this. This is a very loved breed by their owners - and these dogs are not hard to look at … Grayson is a BEAUTY!!!

Interested in adoption? Call 234-706-5501. Pets are fully vetted, spayed/neutered. Pay It Forward for Pets is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Life can be difficult, and very unfair, for domestic animals😔. The shelter offers no life for orphaned dogs and cats. Pets residing in a shelter are there through no fault of their own. After all, at some point, all dogs and cats once resided in the home of an owner. Pet ownership is a serious commitment. Dogs and cats are feeling beings with emotions and intellect. Handled casually, selfless pets become a casualty. Let’s change their fate … ADOPT, DON’T SHOP!

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