NICU Nurses Adopt Baby In Their Care As A Patient

Photo: Nenov / Moment / Getty Images

In 2017, Taylor and Drew Deras met while they were both working as nurses in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Methodist Women’s Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska, and in 2020 they tied the knot.

Then their lives took a remarkable turn when they met Ella, a medically fragile baby girl who was admitted to the NICU at just 23 weeks old, weighing only 1 pound, 2 ounces.

Ella became a ward of the state in December of 2021, but by that time, Taylor and Drew had already formed a deep bond with her and were concerned about her future well-being in the foster care system.

So with Ella’s biological mother’s blessing, Taylor and Drew became her foster family and officially adopted her last fall.

Now a vibrant two-year-old, Ella continues to make significant health progress under their care.

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