Barking Dog Leads To Rescue Of Missing Owner With Dementia

An elderly woman with dementia recently wandered away from her family’s cabin in Utah’s central mountains on what was supposed to be a short evening walk with her dog. When she didn’t return, her relatives searched overnight before notifying authorities the next morning. Working in the triple-digit daytime heat, search and rescue teams were unsuccessful in locating her.

That night, James Thomas, a conservation officer, and his K-9, Kip, joined the search efforts, taking advantage of the cooler evening and nighttime hours to extend their searching ability. After hearing barking around 3:30 a.m., they followed the sounds but didn’t immediately find the woman. However, a neighbor reported hearing similar barking, and following a review of their security footage, it was discovered that the missing woman and her dog passed the home heading toward higher ground.

Returning to the search area, Thomas, Kip, and the neighbor again heard barking and eventually found the woman with her chocolate Labrador, who had stayed by her side during the whole ordeal. Although the woman did suffer some scratches and bruises, and was barefoot and severely dehydrated, she was happy to see her rescuers. She was airlifted off the mountain, treated for her injuries at the scene, and later reunited with her grateful family.


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