McDonald’s Delivers Emergency Food To Snowed In Cali Community

Residents of a San Bernardino County mountain community that’s been cut off by snow-covered roads are getting some relief in the form of food donations. Earlier this week, a local McDonald’s and a church hosted an event to provide free eggs, milk, pasta, and other food staples to residents in need.

On the same day, local eatery Crestline Café was serving up warm meals and household essentials to those affected by the historic snowfall from recent winter storms. Celebrity chef José Andrés’ World Central Kitchen was also in the area cooking up food for local residents and workers.

Local and state agencies have had some successes in reopening roads to the area, but weather reports say there may be more problems on the horizon. This weekend, the area is bracing for rain that could lead to avalanches and a deluge of runoff that might cause some areas to flood.

Source: KTLA

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