Kevin Costner’s Estranged Wife Moves Into House Meant For Staff

Kevin Costner's estranged wife, Christine Baumgartner, has moved out of their shared home…but she didn’t make it very far. Christine has apparently moved into a smaller house on the same property!

The move is allowed per the prenup, which apparently says she needs to leave the family home. The smaller home she is currently residing in is a “staff quarter” and a “temporary measure” while she looks for a permanent house. Christine had to vacate the family home by July 31 according to the prenup.

In addition to figuring out their housing situation, a judge recently ordered Costner to pay Baumgartner $129,755 per month in child support, cover $200,000 in attorney's fees, and $100,000 in forensic costs. Both Costner and Baumgartner are required to equally cover their children's healthcare expenses, as well as sports and other extracurricular activities.

Source: Page Six

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