Girl On Sidelines Steps Into Marathon To Help Struggling Mom To Finish Line

Last week, towards the end of the REVEL Big Cottonwood marathon in Salt Lake County, Utah, self-taught baker mom, Courtney, was nearing her limit. As she pressed on, a special surprise awaited her near the finish line: her 10-year-old daughter lept from the audience, joining her mom on the course.

Courtney and her daughter ran hand-in-hand for the last leg of the race. “I hope neither of us forget this moment,” the proud mom says, “She knew I was struggling for the last few miles. She saw tears in my eyes when I called on mile 24.”

After crossing the finish line, Courtney posted a touching video of the pair running across the finish line together. Then they embraced. “And then she just held me,” Courtney says, adding that it was the “best moment of my race.”


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