WATCH: Man Fights Kangaroo Who's Trying To Drown His Dog

A mixed martial arts and Brazilian jiu-jitsu teacher in Australia had to put his skills to use recently when he attempted to fight off a muscular kangaroo who was trying to drown his dog. (Yep, you heard that right.) Mick Moloney was walking his dogs near a river over the weekend when he realized one of his Akitas was missing. That’s when he noticed the ripped ‘roo trying to drown his dog.

When shouting and kicking didn’t work, Moloney swung at the animal who hit back. Though Moloney confessed his martial arts training was “ineffective” against the animal, it eventually let go of the dog who scurried back to the riverbank. Don’t believe him? The whole thing was actually caught on video.

Source: 7News

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