Last Thursday afternoon, Alexandria Cowheard was working at Wendy’s in Lexington, Kentucky, when she noticed a customer in the parking lot was in distress. The 22-year-old, who’s currently working toward a career in nursing, quickly called 911 before rushing to the man’s aid.
Cowheard found the man unresponsive and not breathing, so using skills she’d learned in high school, she started CPR. After several chest compressions, the man started breathing again, just before an emergency crew arrived and transported him to a nearby hospital.
The good Samaritan says the incident felt like it lasted forever, but the whole episode was over in 15 minutes. Afterward, Cowheard returned right back to work with little fanfare, but she could take comfort in knowing that she helped save a life. “I helped a man,” she says, “Proud of myself for that.”
Source: WKYT