A 4-Month-Old Baby Found Alive In Fallen Tree After Tornado

When a devastating tornado hit Clarksville, Tennessee, last week, 22-year-old mom Sydney Moore was relaxing at home with her sons, four-month-old Lord and one-year-old Princeton, and her boyfriend, Aramis Youngblood. With virtually no warning, their mobile home was ripped to shreds by the EF3 tornado. Moore quickly moved to shield Princeton, while Youngblood tried to protect Lord, who was sleeping in his bassinet.

Within seconds, the walls of the trailer came down and both Youngblood and the bassinet were thrown into the air. After the storm passed, despite a dislocated shoulder, Youngblood frantically searched through the wreckage for the baby. Miraculously, he found Lord crying, mostly unharmed, in a fallen tree about 30 feet from their destroyed home. “It was like a scene in a movie,” Moore recalls. “I remember seeing Aramis walking up in the pouring down rain, clothes ripped, with Lord in his arms.”

The family’s car was also destroyed by a fallen tree and all their possessions had been carried away in the storm, but they’re still finding lots of reasons to be grateful. Moore’s sister set up a crowdfund to help the family, who is now living in a hotel, and it’s nearly reached its $100,000 goal. But more than that, the family is grateful to be alive and to have escaped the ordeal with only minor scrapes and bruises. The grateful mother attributes their good fortune to “guardian angels and miracles.”

Source: CNN

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