Pay It Forward For Pets - Andie

Rescued from the streets, Andie is safe with Pay It Forward For Pets but is not home. This little guy was used to a house and a couch and loved to cuddle in a tight knot in his dog bed. Additionally, he’s been taught resident rules and manners. Excited, Andie walks on his legs to get your attention like a circus pup. Certainly, he has a family out there, somewhere; however, his owner never found him - but you can.

Estimated to be between 3-4 years old, Andie is a purebred Miniature Pincher full of life, and love. Weighing in at 14 pounds, this boy is perfect in size and temperament. Andie enjoys the company of other dogs so we see this as a plus(+). Labeled to be a purebred, we only see adorable! What might you be seeing? Another family member? Don’t delay … schedule your “meet and greet,” today!

Looking for someone to “love?” Interested in adoption?  Call/text 234-706-5501. Pets are fully vetted, spay/neutered. Pay It Forward for Pets is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Tax-deductible donations can be sent to 751 Delaware Ave., Akron, OH 44303. Visit us at

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