UK toddler Opal Sandy was born unable to hear due to a condition called auditory neuropathy, but after taking part in a groundbreaking gene therapy trial, the 18-month-old can now hear almost perfectly. The first-of-its-kind surgery, which took just 16 minutes, involved giving Opal an infusion containing a working copy of the faulty gene that causes her condition, marking a significant advancement in treating deafness.
Opal's parents were amazed when they realized she could hear for the first time after the treatment. Doctors at Addenbrooke’s hospital in Cambridge, England, where the toddler was treated, were excited over the results, saying that it turned out better than expected.
The success of the trial offers hope to other deaf children participating in the same study, as well as to the wider deaf community. The gene therapy marks a new era in the treatment of deafness, with possibilities for further advancements in gene therapies. While the long-term outcomes are still unknown, many families now have reason to be optimistic about the potential for a better quality of life for deaf children.