Experts At Ashley Madison Reveal Top Jobs, Characteristics Of Cheaters

Husband catching his wife cheating with lover in bed, finding out adultery

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Relationship therapists try to figure out why people are unfaithful to their partners and while they continue to look into that, experts are answering another age-old question: “What does a cheater look like?” Professionals at Ashley Madison, the dating site for married people, have the details at their fingertips, from their members.

A survey of more than 2,600 Ashley Madison members reveals what a typical cheater does for a living and more:

  • According to the site’s experts, cheaters tend to have average jobs making less than $75,000 a year.
  • For men, the top jobs cheaters have are trade workers, tech workers, engineers, sales managers and construction workers.
  • Women who cheat are often in care-giving careers like nurses, teachers, stay-at-home moms, marketing execs and hospitality workers.
  • It turns out that even birth order can influence infidelity, as cheaters are often the oldest of their siblings.
  • Most of these cheaters are married with kids, usually one or two.
  • More than a third of Ashley Madison members have kids between 18 and 25 years old.
  • It’s not surprising that they also typically have a “lackluster” - but not especially dramatic - relationship with their spouse.
  • The experts say their members are often “empty nesters looking to fill their lives elsewhere” once their kids move out.
  • While some folks on the site are just looking for a hookup, the research shows many want something long-term to come from the people they meet on Ashley Madison.

Source: Daily Mail

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