Support Pours In For Homeless Family Of Autistic Boy Slapped By Man

Earlier this month, Alfredo Morales, a 10-year-old boy with autism, was crossing the street with his sister Claudia heading to a bus stop in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Pacoima, when the boy, attracted to the shiny hood emblem on a Mercedes, reached out and grabs it, possibly bending it. Video of the incident shows the incensed driver quickly make a U-turn and follow the siblings to the bus stop. He then gets out, walks over to the children, and despite Claudia's explanation about Alfredo's condition, the man slaps the boy in the face.

The video has gone viral and led to an outpouring of support to the Morales family, who are homeless and living out of a broken truck. Airport Marina Ford has taken the family’s vehicle in for a free complete mechanical overhaul, Oscar Garcia from Smack Auto Collision Center has offered to repaint the truck after the repairs, and a crowdfund started for the family has raised more than $90,000.

The Morales family is temporarily staying in a motel until they can transition to permanent housing. They’ve expressed their deep gratitude for the overwhelming support and say they intend to give back to the community that has been so generous to them. The man who struck Alfredo has been identified, but there’s no word on what if any, consequences he may face.


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