Brace yourselves, people. A “time traveler” on TikTok has big news when it comes to the future of humanity. This particular time traveler claims to be from the year 2582. Here’s what they say will be happening in the upcoming months:
- August 27th – A “mysterious gate is discovered in a cave,” and, when it opens, an “alternative universe with a new form of life is discovered”
- September 23rd – A “huge boat” turns up missing in the Bermuda Triangle “for six months,” and when it’s found the people on board think it was only missing for one day. Spppooooookkkyyyyyyy
- September 24th – NASA discovers a new planet and sends a robot to explore it. Life is discovered on the forest-covered planet, which is called Orth
- November 12th – Atlantis is found in the Pacific Ocean and mermaids are proven to be real…woo hoo…more boobs!
- December 4th – Weather can be controlled by humans through “Project HAARP”
- December 12th – A “small meteor” containing “antimatter” strikes the Earth…the lucky people who find it are able to sell this “antimatter” for $62.5 trillion. Lucky them!
Source: TikTok/TheTimeTraveler2582