Pay It Forward For Pets - Bailey & Bear

Animal neglect is defined as negligent treatment that threatens the life and well-being of a pet. Based on interpretation, and personal standards, neglect is measured differently among witnesses. Because pets are thinking, breathing, and feeling beings, we hope most people see them as we do … worthy of love, value, and protection.

Nine-pound Bailey and seven-pound Bear have been grossly neglected. At 12 years old, Bailey remains loyal and loving to her 10-year-old son, Bear. Her sweet son still looks to his mother for direction, and security, everyday. These purebred Shih Tzus are extremely kind dogs despite all they’ve endured.

Surrendered by their pet parent to Pay It Forward For Pets, both dogs were grossly matted and not vetted. Neither of them could go potty comfortably nor could Bailey walk on her back leg as it had been drawn into her underbelly due to the gross matting of her fur. Bear arrived with a fever and a UTI because his matted underbelly acted as a sponge when he attempted to void. This allowed for an accumulation of bacteria resulting in a urinary tract infection.

Now, shaved and bathed, these tiny dogs have been freed from their nightmare. Seen by a veterinarian, both are receiving appropriate medical treatment and improving every day.

As with people, a dog’s healing is accelerated when convalescing at home. We want to get these pups out of our facility and into a loving home as soon as possible. A health plan for Bailey and Bear has been defined. Pay It Forward For Pets will fund the appropriate medical treatment, and dental, over the next few months to bring Bailey, and Bear, to full health for their adopter.

Interested in adopting? Don’t delay … reach out to Pay It Forward For Pets to schedule your “meet and greet,” today!

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