Pay It Forward For Pets - Jackson

Like humans experiencing traumatic loss, dogs mourn the loss of their beloved owners. Jackson is in this phase with a need to feel loved and assured. We can’t explain to him what has happened but are hopeful there is a Beagle-lover out there who wants to give Jackson what he has lost and provide for him for the rest of his days.

Jackson started his young life in a shelter and has recently become orphaned, again. Found alone in his crate at home, he’d been there for several days, as his pet parent passed away without warning. Jackson appeared to be very healthy but has been seen by a Veterinarian and is fully updated on his vetting.

Guesstimated to be 8 years old, Jackson is full-grown and weighs 25 pounds. 98% of Beagle behaviors are pure joy! That 2% can be pesky but there’s joy in that, too. This sweet boy is housebroken and dog-social. He is active so playmates work well. Jackson wants to go home. Can he go with you?

Interested in adoption? Call/text 234-706-5501. Pets are fully vetted, spay/neutered. Pay It Forward for Pets is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Tax-deductible donations can be sent to 751 Delaware Ave., Akron, OH 44303. Visit us at

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