In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, the Asheville Police Department has recovered hundreds of photographs along the Swannanoa River. Along with other officers and volunteers, Detective Sam DeGrave has been leading the effort to recover and return these photos to their rightful owners. They were found during flood zone searches as the police were working on evacuation and rescue efforts after the storm.
DeGrave first found a photo of a young girl while checking for people in need of rescue and began collecting more over the following weeks. He thought the pics would initially be useful in identifying who’d been accounted for, but over time, he realized the personal significance they held for families who lost their homes. Other detectives, FEMA workers, and volunteers soon joined in the effort to gather the photos.
As a local from Asheville, DeGrave found it difficult to see the massive damage caused by the storm. He says that while he couldn't do much about the devastation, picking up and returning these pictures was within his power. He hopes that reuniting families with their photos will offer some comfort and a reminder of a time before the disaster disrupted their lives.
Source: ABC 11