Photo: Dana Hoff / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Flint, Michigan, letter carrier Rungphet Bodnar was recently honored by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) with a Hero Award. She received the recognition for rescuing a girl from a dog attack while on her mail route last year. Once each year, the NALC meets in D.C. to select Regional Hero Award recipients based on acts of bravery, heroism, and community service reported during mail delivery.
Last April, while driving her route, Bodnar saw children screaming at a bus stop and discovered a dog dragging a girl by her leg. Another woman was trying to help free the girl, but the dog wouldn’t release the child’s leg. Bodnar quickly got out of her mail truck and used her emergency dog spray several times until she and the other woman were able to free the girl.
The injured child required multiple surgeries, but was able to return to school about a month later. Bodnar shares that the girl now runs to hug her every time she sees the mail truck. NALC President Brian L. Renfroe expressed pride in all this year’s Hero Award recipients, calling them true heroes and representatives of the nation’s best in public service.
Source: CBS NEWS